“My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise.” Psalm 57:7
David’s testimony in the Old Testament indicates that he had a heart that could remain fixed before the Lord. Like David, we can also fix our heart. When our heart turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away! A turned heart then becomes a fixed heart. As we spend time before Him, with our heart fixed and stationary, He can write His transforming life and nature into us.
To turn our heart means to stop our heart from all its preoccupations, from its endless stream of activity, and fix it on the Lord. Just as Moses brought the tablets of stone up to the mountain and spent time there in God’s presence so that God could write on them, we too can turn our heart to the Lord and spend time being written upon by the Spirit of the Living God. When we turn our heart to the Lord, the writing Spirit (2 Cor. 3:3) is activated in us. This turning should not merely be a partial or shallow turn, but a deep turn that opens us up to the Lord and causes us to linger longer with the Lord for the Spirit to do His inner writing. It is this Spirit-writing that transforms us. As the Spirit writes upon us, we are transformed into the same image. And this image is the image of Christ Himself. So let us pay the price in our daily life to spend adequate time with Him. This is our greatest need.